15 daily habits that are destroying your kidneys

The kidneys play a crucial role in our well-being by filtering waste, regulating blood pressure, producing essential hormones, and maintaining our overall health. However, certain daily habits can silently damage our kidneys. This article explores 15 of these habits and offers tips for maintaining kidney health.

Overuse of painkillers
Overuse of painkillers, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is a common habit to quickly relieve pain. However, these medications may be more harmful than you think. They place an additional burden on the kidneys, which must filter and detoxify them. This overload can cause long-term kidney damage. Therefore, it is essential to limit the use of pain relievers and look for less risky alternatives for pain management.

Excess salt
Consuming too much salt in our diet can seriously damage our kidneys. When we consume too much salt, our body tends to retain both water and salt. This retention causes an increase in blood pressure, which can damage the kidneys. Additionally, when the kidneys fail to remove excess salt and water, it can cause swelling and edema, especially in the hands, legs, and feet. Therefore, it is essential to control and reduce salt consumption to maintain kidney health.


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