Bad breath: what to do and what to do

We know that the first impression is often based on appearance and the second on intelligence. However, even your beauty can be ruined by bad breath, which can ruin your reputation with employers or on a first date. In this article, we will tell you how to fight bad breath and preserve your reputation.

Determination of bad breath

To find out if you have a problem, you can breathe into your palm or lick your wrist, but this is not always informative. To accurately determine the smell, try this method: take a cotton ball, place it in your mouth and moisten it generously with saliva. Place the cotton in a covered container, wait a few minutes, then smell. This smell is felt by the people around you.

If you notice an unpleasant odor, don’t worry because there are many ways to get rid of it.



Causes of  bad  breath


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