The Vinegar Tip for Making Crispy Fries

French fries are an essential part of the kitchen, whether it’s a meal or a side dish. However, it can be difficult to control their oiliness. Luckily, there’s a foolproof way to ensure fries are crispy and tender without having to submerge them in oil. Discover our tips for choosing the right potatoes and cooking … Read more

Pasta sfoglia ripiena for aperitivoPasta sfoglia ripiena is ideal as an aperitivo or finger food for various occasions. Ecco una ricetta semplice pour la pasta sfoglia ripiena con spinaci e feta:

Ingredients: 1 rotolo di pasta sfoglia (from the fridge or fatta in house) 200 g of spinaci freshly washed and tritati 100 g of formaggio feta, sbriciolato 1 spicchio d’aglio, finely tritato 1 cucchiaio of olive oil Sale e pepe a piacere 1 uovo (facoltativo, for the washing of the uova)   The ricetta continues … Read more