Finally the recipe for a floor cleaner that leaves no trace

How to avoid marks on tiles? How to remove grease from tiles? Whether it’s porcelain stoneware, slate, tiles or ceramic, if as soon as you step on your floor, footprints form or as soon as you scrub the floor you see marks, similar to streaks of grease, don’t blame the tiles, but the products you use. and the way in which this cleaning is carried out. Discover how to clean your tile floor easily and differently with this tip?

Shine floors and tile joints with baking soda

When the tiles in your house look gray and the joints have become dirty, there is another miracle product that will help you recover them: baking soda. If you use Grandma’s tips every day, you probably have a jar of them stored in a closet at home! To clean tile joints with baking soda, this is the method to follow:

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