How to straighten teeth without wearing braces

The smile is one of the most beautiful assets of a person. However, it can become a real problem if the teeth are in poor condition or misaligned. Metal braces are usually the best solution, but they are unsightly and expensive. Know that there are alternatives to straightening your teeth without wearing braces.


Maintain the alignment of your teeth.

Step 1 Don't sleep on your stomach.
 Poor alignment of teeth is usually the result of even slight pressure placed on them. When you sleep on your stomach, the teeth resting on the pillow experience pressure that pushes them into the mouth. This can lead to overlaps. The situation is even worse if you place your arm under your head, because it is usually placed at jaw level. On the other hand, sleeping on your side or back protects both your teeth and your entire body   [1]  .
  1. Step 2 Do not rest your head on your hand.

     Resting your chin or one side of your jaw on your hand when thinking or working is extremely common. When you lean on your hand while bending, you put a lot of pressure on your jaw and teeth. This will gradually push the teeth into the mouth and then they will move   [2]  .

    • To avoid this, make sure you are upright and not hunched over. By aligning your upper back with your lower back, it won’t be easy to lean on your hand. You will also protect your neck and spine while feeling less fatigue.
  2. Step 3 Give up bad habits that affect the alignment of your teeth.

     Many teenagers wear braces because they sucked their thumb as a child. That said, many trivial actions cause unnecessary pressure on the teeth. For example, drinking a drink through a straw, biting the end of a pencil, or creating bubbles with gum are small habits that have the same effect on your teeth as thumb sucking. Get rid of them or adapt them so they don’t affect your teeth   [3]  . Ideally, just chewing the food should attract them.

    • If you can’t kick the habit, put the straw (or other object) in your mouth so it doesn’t rest on your teeth.
  3. Step 4 Fill the gaps of missing teeth.

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