I do this about 12 times a year and have never been disappointed.

1. In a large bowl, beat the fromage à la crème sprigs with the semoule juice just as the mixture is smooth and creamy.
2. In another bowl, beat the crème épaisse with the extra vanilla extract just enough to attach the firm pics.
3. Gently fold the crème fouettée into the cheese mix until everything is well mixed.
4. Arrange the cheese mix with the cream and the fouettée cream on the graham biscuit croûte, making them adhere with a spatula.
5. In a small bowl, mix the slices of fraises and the confiture of fraises just so that the fraises are well soaked.
6. Pour the strawberry mix evenly onto the cheesecake couch in the tray.
7. Refrigerate the pendant container for at least 4 hours, or preferably at night, as you know completely: it solidifies the savers and gives you this parfaite consistency of tranchage.
8. Before serving, garnish the whole meal, if you have sent it.
Variations and suggestions:
– For a lighter version, do not use a cream cheese attached and a strawberry jam attached to the sucre. Croyez-moi, la saveur sera toujours there.
– You can change the bays based on the season or preferences. Blueberry or framboise are also delicious garnishes.
– If you don’t have any fraise confitures, don’t care about those red fruit confitures that you have just the main one to do the deal.
– Always make sure that the crème épaisse is froide avant de la fouetter; This helps you reach these raids more quickly and, soyons honnêtes, our goal is to save you time!

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