I’ll have to try this next!

Before you begin, you’ll need a few simple items. Make sure you have a comfortable seat, a glass of warm water, and a timer set to five minutes. These materials are essential for ensuring that you can perform the technique correctly and comfortably.
2. Settle into a Comfortable Position
Find a quiet space where you can sit undisturbed. Position yourself on the comfortable seat, ensuring that your feet are flat on the ground and your back is straight. This posture is important for promoting relaxation and optimal bowel function.
3. Hydrate
Drink the glass of warm water slowly, taking small sips. This will help to stimulate your digestive system and ease the movement of bowels. Warm water is particularly effective because it helps to relax the intestines and soften stool.
4. Focus on Your Breathing
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, maintaining a steady rhythm. This helps to relax your abdominal muscles and can promote the movement of your bowels.
5. Massage Your Abdomen


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