Mom Of Black And White Twins Often Gets Asked Which One Of The Boys Is Hers

Stacy did claim that her two sons are both unconditionally and equally adored and that no one has ever said anything unpleasant about them to her.

“There’re always side talks whenever we go out, people often wanna know how and what’s happening and maybe due to their cute and adorable nature, you just wanna come close to say hello.”

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The twins’ family has been receiving modeling offers from agencies in the UK due to their odd features. The family is ready to take advantage of any opportunities that may present themselves and has created an Instagram account to share their joy and draw attention to significant issues. Stacy and I decided to create an account for them in order to spread awareness since we believe they have a story to tell.

“They have two different amazing personalities, they are a year+ now, walking and very playful,” said Stacy

“Daniel is more expressive while David is an observer. Both of them are highly inquisitive. Daniel is a foodie while David is quite picky; Daniel is extremely playful while David chooses moments; Daniel always likes to play the bigger brother role; they are both energetic

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