My mother taught me that ONION with honey and turmeric calms the worst coughs and cleanses the lungs in 1 night: This will also help long-time smokers, here is the recipe!

1 tablespoon of turmeric

200 g onion

2 to 3 cm of chopped ginger root

200 g of honey

0.5 liters of water

Procedure and use:

Let the water boil and add the chopped onion, grated ginger and turmeric.

Cook over low heat for about 10-15 minutes.

Then filter the liquid and let it cool.

Only when it is slightly warm, add the honey and the syrup is ready.

We store it in the refrigerator.

Take 2 tablespoons of syrup in the morning on an empty stomach and 2 tablespoons in the evening before going to bed.

It is good that you drink the syrup for at least a week, ideally even longer, depending on the condition of your lungs.

In case of cough, you can also add syrup to tea and increase its healing effect by adding lemon.

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