Putizza: the traditional recipe for Easter cake from Trieste

Step 35
Mix all the ingredients well

Step 36
Take the well-leavened putizza dough.

Step 37
Transfer it to the pastry board and roll it out with a rolling pin to form a rectangle.

Step 38
Distribute the filling evenly, leaving the edges free



Step 39
Start rolling the putizza on the long side, squeezing it gently with your hands.

Step 40
Once finished you will need to form a roll.

Step 41
Starting at one end, fold the roll inwards.

Step 42
Roll the dough on itself.

Step 43
Until a snail is formed

Step 44
Carefully place the putizza in a round mold and let it rest, covered, for about 20 minutes.

Step 45
Brush the putizza with the beaten egg. Bake at 180°C for about 45-50 minutes; If you notice that the surface tends to get too dark, cover the putizza with aluminum foil.



Step 46
Remove the putizza from the oven and let it rest for at least 30 minutes, then cut it into slices and serve.

Step 47
From the first slice you will notice the wonderful spiral of goodness created by the alternation of dough and filling.

The putizza can be preserved for 5 days in a cake pan with a lid.

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