Tangerine liqueur: the recipe to prepare mandarinetto at home

1.Wash the tangerines well and dry them with absorbent paper. Using a potato peeler, remove the skin
2. without touching the white part, which could give the liquor a bitter taste. Place the skins in an airtight glass jar and add the pure food alcohol. Close the jar and let it sit in a dry, dark place for a week: shake it occasionally. After the necessary time, put the sugar in a saucepan and add the water.
3. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Once it boils, continue cooking for another 3 minutes. Once ready, let the sugar syrup cool. Filter the alcohol through a fine sieve and add it to the sugar syrup. Mix well, transfer to glass bottles and cap. Let it rest for at least 1 month. Your mandarin liqueur is ready to serve
The most suitable mandarins for preparing mandarinetto are those with thin skin: clementines are also excellent. In any case, always prefer untreated tangerines.

Those who prefer it can flavor the tangerine by adding 2 cloves, which will give the liquor a more pronounced flavor.

You can also use tangerine to flavor fruit salads and desserts.

With tangerine pulp you can make a delicious tangerine jam, to enjoy for breakfast or as a snack for the whole family. If, on the other hand, you want to use the segments, they will be excellent for decorating a fruit cake. Alternatively, you can serve them as a dessert, topped with melted dark chocolate.

Once ready, the mandarin liqueur can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or freezer: the presence of alcohol and sugar will prevent it from freezing.

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