The trick to cleaning the oven “without effort”. Even burnt grease disappears

There are various methods to eliminate the spor inside the oven. We offer an alternative product with chemical products for the purpose. Ecco alcuni espempi.

  • Use the salt in the kitchen to turn it on to the bottom of the oven

You can also cook your food using an accessible and natural ingredient: salt it in your kitchen. To start, add a sufficient quantity of this ingredient to the fork. Then increase the temperature to 180°C. It is high in calories and will brown the particulate piccole di sale che scioglieranno lo sporco. Dopo circa thirty minutes, spray it and then spray it, protect it from the steam that burns. Always cool it, use an inhumid pan with water, remove the internal part of the oven to remove any burnt residue and other food sources.

  • Save the temperature of the cell to pull the feed



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